How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode (Android & iOS)

Arun Kumar

One feature that is currently receiving a lot of attention and discussion is dark mode of WhatsApp. Although Dark Mode has recently been introduced for numerous platforms, like Google Chrome, Messenger, etc. A recent update to WhatsApp makes it simpler to use the app in low light environments.

Knowing how to activate dark mode will help you avoid having to strain your eyes because the Facebook-owned chat service is now one of the most popular apps available. Not to mention that setting the app to dark mode could perhaps increase the battery life of your smartphone if you frequently text.

It’s very simple to enable WhatsApp’s dark theme. All you have to do is modify a single setting in WhatsApp. Make sure WhatsApp is up to date on your Android device before proceeding. When Whatsapp’s dark mode is on, the app’s background changes to a dark grey (rather than a pure black) colour with white text and dark green chat boxes.

On WhatsApp, switching to the dark theme is simple. In dark mode, your screen displays in deeper tones rather than stark white, which may be easier on the eyes. Also it will also help to increase your battery life. A study report that if you use dark mode than you can use your smartphone 30% more.

Because Dark mode is literally sufficient with battery and it consumes less battery. Also it blocks blue ray of smartphone that are harsh for your eyes. So with the WhatsApp Dark Mode you can use your phone for a long time. I will guide you to the easiest way of enabling WhatsApp Dark mode both on android and iOS.

How To Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode ( for Android)

Before enabling WhatsApp Dark mode always remember that your WhatsApp application should be updated to latest version. Because sometimes with the old version dark mode doesn’t work properly. So if you’re upset that your dark mode is not working than update you WhatsApp now. And after that follow these simple steps below.

Open WhatsApp

Open WhatsApp Application and as I mentioned above that update whatsapp to the latest version always.

Go To Settings

Now Tap on the right side three-dots appear in the upper corner. Then here you will see a WhatsApp Setting option tap on it.

Open WhatsApp Settings

Go To Chats

Now here you’ll see more options but you’ve to click on Chats. Because dark mode is related to theme and you can edit theme from chats section.

Open WhtasApp Chat Settings

Tap On Themes

Now the first option you will see is a themes. Click on that to change the theme of your WhatsApp easily.

Click on WhatApp Theme Settings

Choose Dark Theme

Now WhatsApp will be on system default setting which works with your phone settings. Now click on Dark and then OK. After that your dark mode will be enabled on WhatsApp.

Choose Dark WhatsApp Theme

How To Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode On iOS

The process for iOS or iPhone devices is same. But sometimes people confused about steps. So These below steps will help you to enable WhatsApp dark mode on iPhone. But before that update your WhatsApp application from Appstore to the latest version.

Launch WhatsApp

Open the WhatsApp application, and always upgrade it to the most recent version as I described before.

Open Settings

Now Three dots appear in the upper corner tap on that. Now click the WhatsApp Setting option.

Open Settings

Select Chats

Now select chats option here. Because you want to change your theme in the conversations area and dark mode is related to themes.

Click on WhatsApp Chat Settings

Select Themes

Themes will now be the first option you see. To quickly change your WhatsApp’s theme, click on that.

Select a dark theme

Currently, WhatsApp is set to its default settings. Click on Dark Theme, then select OK. And Boom! Your WhatsApp will be totally Dark. This is how you can easily enable WhatsApp dark mode on iOS & Apple devices.

FAQ Related to WhatsApp Dark Mode

Why does my WhatsApp not have dark mode?

If you can’t see a dark theme by clicking Open WhatsApp>Settings>Chats>Themes then update your WhatsApp. As I already mentioned in the article that your WhatsApp application should be updated to latest version.

Why is my WhatsApp background not changing?

If you want to change WhatsApp background easily then follow these simple and quick steps: WhatsApp > More options > Settings > Chats > Wallpaper. You can select any wallpaper for WhatsApp background.

What is the background color of WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is officially use green & white theme. Where green is not totally green. It is teal dark green and pure white in colour. Also WhatsApp use blue colour for reading notifications.

Let’s Wrap Up

In this article I discussed about how you can enable WhatsApp dark mode both on android & ios. If you find this article helpful so please share this to your friends and closest. For more important tricks and tips follow

Arun Kumar is a skilled and experienced writer of He shares articles on topics like make money online, Tips & Tricks and biography. He has worked with many other well-known Hindi blogs including Hindise.

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